"Employers need to recognise that not only
does HIV workplace discrimination cost
businesses productivity and profitability
due to loss of talent, but also calls into
question the employer's ability and
commitment to protecting the rights of
their employees."

~Datuk Seri Dr Richard Riot Jaem
Human Resources Minister
"The initiative by the MBCH at the
Malaysian AIDS Foundation to
have a Regulation in place to
protect the rights and manage
HIV positive employees at the
workplace in Malaysia should be
given attention."

~Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad
7th Prime Minister
"There are still workers who are affected
and discriminated by practices and
policies that oppose their presence in
the workplace. Such acts must be
stopped immediately to create a
more harmonious workplace thereby
increasing the level of quality for
employees with HIV/AIDS."

~M. Kulasegaran
Human Resources Minister
Towards Ending
HIV Workplace
Discrimination in
Towards Ending
HIV Workplace
Discrimination in

Malaysian Business Consortium on HIV/AIDS (MBCH)

A corporate membership programme to strengthen the business sector's response to end AIDS.

Works to mitigate the negative impact of HIV/AIDS at the workplace and on businesses and communities

Joint collaboration with Ministry of Human Resources and supported by Ministry of Health

A component of the ASEAN Business Coalition on HIV/AIDS (ASEAN BCA)


Under the National Strategic Plan on HIV/AIDS (NSP) 2006-2010, Malaysia has made much progress in HIV prevention, particularly utilising the harm reduction approach which has begun to yield results in reducing the spread of the HIV epidemic. People Living with HIV and in need of treatment are able to access first-line treatment at no cost whilst the second-line regimes are heavily subsidised as well.

In 2017, up to 89% of People Living with HIV (PLHIV) in Malaysia are those who are in the prime of their lives and make up the majority of the working population. It is therefore crucial for corporate in Malaysia to provide support for employees who are either infected or affected by HIV/AIDS. Businesses, large and small, must recognize their responsibility to their employees as well as their communities and do their part in the fight against HIV/AIDS


New HIV infections (2019)


AIDS-related deaths in 2019


Total people living with HIV (1986 - 2019)


HIV notification rate in 2019 (per 100,000 people)


Total reported HIV in people who inject drugs (1986 - 2019)


Total reported cases of sexually transmitted HIV (1986 - 2019)


HIV Transmission by Age Group in 2019

(% of 3,293 new infections)

Source: HIV/STI Sector, Division of Disease Control, Ministry of Health Malaysia



Our Corporate Advisors

Why Be A Member

Create a better, safer workplace environment for employees living with HIV based on national and global industry policies and standards.

Be part of a growing corporate Malaysia movement to support the enactment of the HIV/AIDS workplace protection bill by 2020.

Make ending AIDS your business priority aligned with the national and global AIDS response goals of achieving an AIDS-free generation by 2030.


Sign up as a Gold or Platinum member to foster a supportive, conducive environment for the management of HIV/AIDS and protection of rights of employees living with HIV at your workplace




- Tax exemption receipt of RM10,000

- HIV/AIDS-related occupational safety and health awareness trainings; Four (4) sessions on the basics of HIV/AIDS, two (2) on sexual and reproductive health

- Unlimited expert consultation with your company’s human resources team on the development of a HIV/AIDS workplace policy




- Tax exemption receipt of RM20,000

- HIV/AIDS-related occupational safety and health awareness trainings; Six (6) sessions on the basics of HIV/AIDS, two (2) on sexual and reproductive health, two (2) on other related occupational safety and health awareness topics.

- Unlimited expert consultation with your company’s human resources team on the development of a HIV/AIDS workplace policy

- Credit mention of partnership in relevant communication and publicity materials

Government Commitment in Prevention & Management of HIV/AIDS at Workplace Regulation

``We live in a completely interdependent world, which simply means we cannot escape each other. How we respond to AIDS depends, in part on whether we understand this interdependence. It is not someone else’s problem. This is everybody’s problem.``

- Bill Clinton